The rising energy costs and global warming has forced us to keep an eye on our energy consumption. For this, we need to first improve the efficiency through which we consume energy. An energy management system can help monitor, control and reduce energy consumption significantly.

Energy monitoring aims to provide users with information about their energy consumption patterns. It is carried out using Energy Monitoring software that gathers consumption data, analyses it and then offers helpful information directly to the consumer.

Energy Monitoring

Energy Monitoring & Reporting

It is an energy monitoring technique that uses energy information to eliminate waste, reduce and control the current level of energy use and improve the existing operating procedures.

It is built upon the principle “you cannot manage what you do not measure.”

So, monitoring is essentially aimed at establishing the existing pattern of energy consumption, and reporting is the documentation of energy consumption level, which was desirable as a management goal and hence, working towards energy conservation after identification.

Elements of Monitoring and Reporting

  1. Recording
    Measuring and recording energy consumption.
  2. Analysing
    Correlating energy consumption to a measured output, such as production quantity.
  3. Comparing
    Comparing energy consumption to appropriate standards.
  4. Setting Targets
    Setting targets to reduce or control energy consumption.
  5. Monitoring
    Comparing energy consumption top the set target on a regular basis, which is why monitoring is crucial.
  6. Reporting
    Reporting the results, including any variances from the targets which have been set.
  7. Controlling
    Implementing management measures to correct any variances, which may have occurred.

Monitoring & Reporting also involves:

Benefits of Monitoring & Reporting:

Any successful energy management program within an organisation needs the total support of top management.
Top management should give energy efficiency equal importance in their corporate objectives as workforce, raw materials, production and sales.

The other essential requirements are a well-charted strategy plan, an effective monitoring system and adequate technical ability for analysing and implementing energy-saving options.

Benefits of Energy Monitoring Systems

Here are the top four benefits of energy monitoring systems. Let us have a look:

  1. Prompt return on investment
    Statistics reveal that energy management systems can reduce energy costs by up to 8 to 20 per cent. By this, you can get a quick return on investment in about 24 to 36 months, depending on the client and location.
  2. Easily scalable
    You can easily track energy at any time of the day or night and know how much is consumed at that particular time. By this, one can take the required steps to reduce energy waste.
  3. Hassle-free and quick installation
    With the advancement in technology, the energy management system can be installed quickly. So no downtime and disruptions. You simply start saving instantly.
  4. Reduced greenhouse gases
    Commercial buildings are the major source of environmental pollution. A good energy management system paves way for reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Conclusion: Energy monitoring and reporting are crucial for commercial buildings and industries. It has been widely proven that energy monitoring and reporting in itself leads to a huge amount of capital savings. The achievement of any energy management technique depends on how precisely and productively energy information is being captured. It is likewise vital to comprehend that energy monitoring and reporting is a ceaseless cycle and must be done iteratively to receive the rewards of energy effectiveness.

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